Beware of Improper Evaluations

Sep 25, 2024    Michael Hagen

Matthew 7 concludes our series on 'Communications of the King,' which started in Matthew 4, discussing the Holy Spirit's role in Jesus' ministry and the lives of the individual as the follow Jesus. The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is seen by the work He completes in the life of the believer by doing a thorough makeover of equipping the value systems of the Lord as Jesus expounded upon through the Sermon on the Mount. Our study together emphasizes the importance of evaluating our thoughts and judgments according to God's standards rather than personal or cultural ones. We discuss themes such as the inner spiritual life, materialism, anxiety, and unconditional love. We should evaluate things by careful and fair judgment, self-examination, and aligning actions and thoughts with God's Word. When we do a thorough examination of various scriptures which highlight the dangers of legalism, improper evaluations, and the necessity of God's grace and forgiveness we see that following the former is incredibly damaging to our spiritual life and relationship with the Lord and how the Lord intended our relationship to be with others.