
Michael Hagen

Fellowship Planter, Day to Day Coordination, Men's Ministry

Michael Hagen has enjoyed full time ministry since 2013, and part time since 2011. Prior to full time ministry Michael served in the United States Marine Corps until he was Medically Retired. The Lord blessed Michael with the ability of Interning at a fellowship in Williamsburg, Virginia until he went full time on the Mission Field in 2014 traveling with Back Packers. In 2017 Michael and his wife Lucia were married and moved immediately abroad as missionaries in a country which persecutes Christians. Michael and Lucia lived in that country for 6 years; seeing many come to faith in Jesus Christ, and who now live in many different countries and continue to walk faithfully with the Lord and share their faith they have in Jesus. Michael has visited more than 120 countries around the World, and actively engaging in ministry in more than 70 of those countries. Michael has lived in over 11 countries in 5 different continents for at least 6 months in each of those countries.

Lucia Hagen

Women's Ministry, Children's Ministry, Assisting in Day to Day Coordination.

Lucia grew up in a small village in Western Slovakia. From an early age Lucia enjoyed culinary arts and crafting artisan skills. Lucia graduated in 2018 with a Masters Degree for practicing Law in Slovakia and the European Union. Lucia has been actively engaged in ministry and serving women in Christian ministry all around the world since 2016. Lucia grew up in a Catholic and midway through middle school due to the lasting affects of communism upon her family lived as an atheist and agnostic until coming to place her faith in Jesus Christ in the fall of 2015 after traveling to the United States for a summer cultural exchange program where she heard the Gospel for the first time.

After becoming a Christian in 2015, Lucia began taking every opportunity during breaks from university to travel around the world and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with any and everyone she would meet.