Philosophy of Ministry

Our supreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed into His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. For this reason the ministry of Carrollton Christian Fellowship exists for the purpose of:

for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, Ephesians 4:12

For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen. Romans 8:11

In the community of the believers

It’s a good thing to want to get involved in the church. God uses His church, as an ambassador, to show His saving love for all people. God has created his church to function as a body. Jesus is the head and we make up the rest. Each part of the body plays a necessary but different role in allowing the body to function as it is meant to. Following this analogy, if any part of the body isn’t working properly then the body isn’t living up to its full potential. We want to be faithful to God’s leading of His church.
(2 Cor 5:18-21; Col 1:15-20; Jn 3:16-17; Rom 12:4-8; Eph 4:15-16)

In each of our lives personally

We have each been made to do good in this world. God has made us and prepared us for a reason. Imagine what our world would be like if we each did the things God made us to do. We show love to God through our obedience to his leading in our lives.
(Eph 2:10; Eph 4:1; Ps 139:13-14; 2 Jn 1:6)

Jesus will build His Church; not programs or business practices

We operate with the awareness that Jesus will build the church as He desires. It’s our job to listen to Him and follow. As a church, we wait on the Lord through prayer and by studying his word verse by verse. We are aware that our hearts are deceitful and our perspective is limited so we keep our eyes on Jesus letting Him guide us.
(Col 1:18; Mt 16:18; Jer 17:9; Acts 2:42)

Jesus will lead you; God desires an individual who is cheerful in all they do

We aren’t here to tell you what to do. What a relief! We simply want to direct you to Jesus. We are confident that as you abide in Him, He will speak to you and encourage you to serve Him as He sees fit. We are believe that you would not be desiring fellowship with other believers unless the Holy Spirit was already speaking to you, therefore we look to help by removing any distractions and hurdles which would keep you from growing in a daily relationship with Jesus Christ and so that you can further hear from the Lord on His specific will for your life,
(John 15:1-8; John 10:27; Ps 32:8)


Be Bold

If you believe Jesus is leading you to participate in the church or pray for confirmation and direction. Jesus always knows what He’s doing in our lives and his timing is always perfect. He is faithful to lead us!
(Phil 4:6-7; Is 55:8-9; Jer 33:3)

Jesus will often lead us to do things that we are not able to do in our own energy or ability. He will sometimes call us to do things that we don’t fully understand. Be of good courage because Jesus will prepare you and guide you each step of the way! “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” AndJesus will not call us to do something that is contrary to His Word.
(Phil 4:13; Col 2:6-7; 2 Tim 1:7)