
Afterglow is what we call our “Believer’s Meetings” here at Carrollton Christian Fellowship. It is time set aside to seek God the Holy Spirit for the Spiritual Gifts and Love as revealed in the Bible. We desire in humility to seek the LORD! We practice the laying on of hands for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and believe that every believer can be filled with the Holy Spirit. We believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today and should be practiced in the local Body of Believers as the Holy Spirit gives according to His giving. This is for the profit of all in the Body of Christ! We desire to be Biblical (everything done decently and in order) in our meetings, to wait upon God, to receive from God, and to respond in love and worship of Jesus. Also, the ministering of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit one to another unto the edifying of the Body of Christ.
| 1 Corinthians 12-14, Ephesians 4-5, Romans 12, Psalm 119:9-16|


Afterglows at Carrollton Christian Fellowship are open to all Born Again Believers; an individual who has placed their faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, by admitting that they themselves or anyone/anything other than Jesus is able to atone for their sins, or spiritual growth and sanctification, for the purpose of bringing them back into rightness with God as and in the manner of His choosing, only through this placing this Trust in Jesus Christ.


Afterglows at Carrollton Christian Fellowship are scheduled for once a month, after the 3rd Thursday Night Bible Study of every month, or when ever the leadership may be sensing that the Holy Spirit is desiring for other times as well.

What to expect:

The Holy Spirit is orderly and the Lord is not the author of confusion or chaos; The Holy Spirit always points to and directs our attention to Jesus and not any individual; We do not believe that Christians can be demon possessed, but that there is demonic oppression of believers; there is a place for tongues and for them to be orderly, there is a place for prophecy and for it to be done orderly, there is a place for all worship of Jesus and for it to be done orderly and for not being disruptive to others during the afterglow. Carrollton Christian Fellowship as a non denominational church does reserve the right to interrupt any disruptive conduct, as is Biblical, that is not orderly as is prescribed in Scripture as how Spiritual Gifts in corporate gatherings are to be exercised orderly and in love.

How long do they last?

Afterglows last as long as the Holy Spirit is moving, there is no rush in concluding this service time, though it is to be held orderly. If you are only able to stay for a short time then there is no problem or judgement, stay as long as the Lord is leading we just ask that anyone needing to slip out do so quietly as to not disturb or draw attention from the moving of the Holy Spirit.
I can remember at every church I have served at previously, post Afterglow bites to eat were always a great place to go and discuss further what the Holy Spirit was doing and how he was moving. These times of a post Afterglow bite always served for the best place to ask further questions and for discipleship so as not to interrupt Afterglows and how the Holy Spirit may be moving at that time during the Afterglow with "white noise". One of these locations that was always a favorite here in the States of ours was CookOut.