2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:5
We looked at the end of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and the beginning of chapter 3, examining Paul's guidance on faithfulness, sanctification, and preparation for the day of the Lord. The Holy Spirit’s consistent emphasis throughout scripture on the necessity of practical application of trusting the Lord and walking obediently considering His promise that the Great Tribulation and God's wrath are not for the church. We also include references to Matthew 24:45-25:30 of Jesus’ instruction to the Church considering the coming of Him for His Church. Key themes include holding fast to biblical teaching, the role of the Holy Spirit and scripture in sanctification, and the contrast between faithful and unfaithful believers. We have addressed the distinction between the Church’s experience of persecution and the Great Tribulation. Paul by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit address the Church’s appropriate response and what of those who are faithful in their obedience and trust of the Lord. The portion just before covers those who are perishing and the portion following the text today covers those who are lazy. The Church should be constant in learning, obedience, and being steadfast in faith amidst challenges.
Action Points:
1. Spend time with Jesus in His Word so that He can do a sanctifying work in your life.
2. Spend time with Jesus in His Word so that you are not shaken in your trust of Him when trials come.
3. Spend time with Jesus in the Full Council and context of His Word so that you can be established in all the intended strength He desires for you by understanding all that He has revealed about Himself.
4. Receive a fresh outpouring or a first time Baptism of the Holy Spirit to be comforted and established by Him.
5. Trust the Lord, trust will always result in obedience, an action of applying what you’re trusting. If you’re not obeying and applying what you’re learning from God’s Word and about who Jesus is and the character and how we relate to each person of the Trinity, then you don’t trust Him.