2 Thessalonians 3:6-18
We pick up from 2 Thessalonians 3:6 where we left off from last week looking at what the forward progress of the Church should look like, standing fast to the sound teaching of God’s Word and for the Word of God and Application of God’s Word to go forth un-hindered in our lives and the culture around us. Paul focuses on the text of 2 Thessalonians 3:6 and on with addressing disorderly conduct and what disorderly conduct looks like. Paul continues with how the individual and collective Body of Christ should respond to those engaged in repetitive disorderly conduct and refuse to change course to Biblical conduct. We then look at the practical aspects for addressing such behaviors and look at how Jesus as well as other authors of the New Testament including other letters of Paul. Correction of such behavior that was being displayed by a small group of the Christians in Thessalonica was necessary, and as we see throughout every example and command in scripture the aim of correction is restoration, and a loving approach should be exemplified by church leaders to both protect other Christians and hope for Biblical repentance.