Sunday Morning's at 9:30 am Carrollton Christian Fellowship:
We desire to worship Jesus through Songs of Praise, Growing in the Knowledge and Understanding of Him through His Word, and Fellowship together in the Agape Love of Jesus Christ with others who have a desire to understand, grow, and exercise the gifts and equipping that He has begun and continues to grow us in throughout the week prior through being strengthened, equipped, and established through our personal times of Prayer, Bible Reading and Study, and Fellowshipping with other Believers and that we seek to begin the next week to seek after and be strengthened again in the week to come.

As Christians we have received our Salvation Once and for all, we have received the Holy Spirit to live in our Hearts Once and for all, and so we must daily and hourly seek to have a fresh out pouring of the Holy Spirit's Love in and through our life and seek to lay aside our desires to serve others and another, being Jesus Christ. The only way we can do this is by having a fresh out pouring and continual flow of God's Love coming out of our lives and that waters and refreshes the lives of others instead of seeking our own attention and all eyes on us.  This happens by asking for it, and that is spurred along through our reading and having God's Word daily washed over our lives. The Holy Spirit uses God's Word in our life to show us what He still wants to do and complete in our lives and develop us through the different circumstances and situations which He allows. All off this is always offered, it is never forced, and so we must receive a continual washing by God's Word and a continual outflow of God's Spirit flowing out and refreshing those around us.

Sunday Mornings and every gathering of Carrollton Christian Fellowship are for the purpose of:

the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,
till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:12-13

This Equipping and Edifying is completed by a multitude of His gifts being used when we come together to corporately Worship and Exalt Jesus above everything else, at Carrollton Christian Fellowship every opportunity of this, wether formal or informal, is Discipleship.