Tools Needed
  • The Best study tool is a Bible, a good Bible dictionary, pen, and paper
  • Continual dependence on Holy Spirit
  • A proper attitude, because we how to study the Bible, we approach with the attitude with letting the text speak into the text, and letting the Bible speak into our lives.
  • An improper attitude is letting our situations, circumstances, our wants, and our thoughts to influence what the Bible says.
  • Resources don’t make a good student:
    It’s how do we get to a place where we dig out the meaning and apply it to our lives

3 Methods How We Can Study the Bible
Inductive: We approach our lives with Scripture, we approach Scripture with Scripture. We look at our lives and ask if our lives reflects what we read in God's Word, we look at Scripture and ask where else in God's Word does the Lord mention this.

Observation, Interpretation, and Application are key steps within the Inductive Method

Deductive:  We approach with an idea or premises and we try to get the text to say what we want it to say.

For example: If a pastor, small group leader, or we have been scrolling through social media and keep seeing the topic of love or success, then we open up the Bible and take a few verses out or possible a chapter where maybe the word love or prosper occurs but we fail to look at where the portion of scriptures sits, then inducts into Scripture what the text means based upon their experiences or thoughts.

Spring Boarding: We open or perhaps don't open the Bible and just start talking about whatever we please.

For Example: this is typical when someone may read a passage or a few verses then uses that to just talk about themselves or their experiences and it has nothing to do with the text.
Principles of Inductive Bible Study Method
  1. Being Open to the ministry of the Word and the Holy Spirit in revealing the truths of Scripture.
  2. Analyze the truth of Scripture and seek to understand them from within it's context and where it lies.
  3. Read within context, read the chapter where the portion of scripture sits along with at least one chapter before and one chapter after until we understand the context and the big picture of what the text says.
  4. Apply, the purpose for why God gave us His Word is so that we can Apply it's truths to our life.
  5. Teach Someone Else and Pass it on, the Lord not only reveals His truths to us through His Word for His purposes of Sanctification in our lives, but also for the purpose that we can be an encouragement to others and pass along what the Lord has spoken to each of us from His Word, which will never contradict His Word.
What's the Goal of Studying God's Word?
  • Super Important: that if we mess up learning, we'll mess up sharing.
  • Mess up observing the text then we’ll mess up interpreting the text
  • Mess up interpreting we’ll mess up Applying
  • We want to understand what the Bible says, so that we can correctly share what it means
  • We must learn to rightly divide the Word of Truth 2 Timothy 2:15
  • 2 Timothy 2:15 implied that there is an incorrect or improper way of dividing or studying the Bible.
Principles for Proper Interpritation
  • God inspired
  • Each has responsibility for personal investigation
  • Purpose is to lead us to Jesus
  • Goal of Bible study is to live it
  • Bible means what it says, even metaphorically.
  • Always read within context, Location, Location, Location
  • Compare Scripture with Scripture
  • Bible can be understood in its translation
  • Written in human language which is easy to understand
  • We need the help of the Holy spirit to understand
  • Goal of Bible study is to live it
  • God magnifies His Word above all other aspects of who He is
  • The Bible is ALIVE!!!