Step 1: Start with the Basics
Pick up and Begin
Step 2: Key Word and Theme
Have a resource which will help you to answer larger questions of word definitions, word context, word repetition: A Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (TSK or TSKe) or Concordance are good tools to help assist in keeping words within Context.

Also having a good summary of the theme or context of each chapter is a good resource to have. A Haley's or Unger's Bible Handbook are good resources to have.
Step 3: Online or Downloadable Resources
Utilizing Online and Downloadable resources are go for managing work space.

Blue Letter Bible


Are great resources for storing and having a large library of tools always at your finger tips.
Step 4: Read with THE Purpose of the Bible in mind
When you start reading the Bible, it’s important to read with a purpose. Ask yourself what is the context of this portion of Scripture? What is the Main Idea of the chapter? What is the Main Idea of the chapter before and after? What is the Author's purpose in writing? Who was the Original Audience? What does the Lord want you to know? How does the Holy Spirit want to Apply this to the Sanctifying Work He's doing in your life? Having a purpose will help you stay focused and engaged as you read.

Read the Bible in context by reading the surrounding verses and chapters. This will help you understand the flow of the story and the relationships between different passages.
Step 5: Take Your Time
Reading the Bible is not a race. Take your time and don’t rush through the text. Pause and Pray and Pause and Reflect on what you’re reading, and ask yourself questions about the passage.

Read to Read yourself full: Read the portion until your understand what the purpose of the portion of Scripture.

Step 6: Seek Fellowship and Corporate Growth
No matter how mature or how long we've been a Christian, or possibly how long we've been looking at the truths of the Bible in order to make a decision on it's reliability and relatability. It's important to maintain fellowship and a continual input from others and what the Lord has been speaking to them about and through the Bible.

Remember: the Bible is living, which means that it speaks to it's readers and the Holy Spirit interprets and leads its readers into a deeper knowledge and understanding of it as they continue through it and in context of looking at their circumstances and situation through a Biblical framework or lense of understanding and knowledge. The Holy Spirit is the one who interprets the context of scripture for an understanding of how we relate to God, to others, and to our situations.

And the Lord is able to speak to us through what others have been receiving from Him and through His Word, in order to encourage us into a deeper relationship with Him and His Church. This is can be in the form of Words of Wisdom or Words of Prophecy (encouragement) and we must always test all things back with the complete context of Scripture as Paul encouraged the Thessalonians in 1 Thess 5
Step 7: Find a Local Body of Believers (church)
Find a local fellowship of Christians who place a high value and importance on growing through the Bible and one which those who the Lord has called to lead the congregation have a heavy focus on Building up and Equipping everyone for the work that the Lord desires to do in each individuals life.
Step 8: Apply What You Learn
As you read the Bible and grow through fellowship with other Christians, apply what you learn to your life. Ask yourself how you can apply the principles and teachings of the Bible to your daily life.
Additional Tips
  • Use a Journal or a Note Taking Bible as you read in order to record your thoughts or insights that the Holy Spirit is giving of the text's importance.

  • Ask Questions and Seek Help if you don't understand something or even if you do understand something seek to check what we believe the Lord may be speaking to us (we do this from Bible Commentaries and Fellowship with others)

  • Have a Daily Devotional and daily time of Bible Study, if we fail to grow in the knowledge and understanding of the Word, then we'll fail to grow as mature Christians.

  • Be patient and persistent, it is the Lord who grows us in His timing, the only thing we can do is just to spend time with Him through Prayer, Fellowship with other Christians seeking the same, and His Word.